About Photographs


All photos presented on this website, unless otherwise noted, were taken by me, Bob Wick of Raton, New Mexico.  All of the photos and main content on placesandpics.com are the property of me, and all rights are reserved.  Unauthorized use or reproduction is not allowed.

I make no copyright claim on reader-submitted comments.  If you wrote it, you own it.


If you would like to use any of the images on this website for non-commercial purposes, permission will likely be granted with the condition of a photo credit byline.  Just use the form on the Contact page to send the details of your request.

For commercial or for-profit use of any photos or website content, send details on the Contact page.  All business requests will be treated as confidential, and I will respond as quickly as possible.


There is another Bob Wick who is a photographer.  That Bob Wick works for the B.L.M. and is famous for his photos of public lands and national parks.  For the record, that “Bob Wick” is not me, and I have no relationship or affiliation to him.

If you stumbled across this website on accident looking for the ‘real’ Bob Wick, try this link:


Technical Details

It would be quite boring to fill the website with technical details of each photograph displayed here.  Aperture, shutter speed, etc.  All boring to most readers.  And most professional photographers could guess and estimate fairly accurately by looking at the photos.  Nonetheless, I’m happy to answer any questions that I can about the gear, software, or settings.  Just post the question in the Comments box at the bottom of each page, or use the form on the Contact page.

I will say that although I’ve been using cameras and taking pictures for almost 40 years, I’m rather new to digital photography.  In order to reduce risk to gear and save space, I first carried a rather basic point-and-shoot camera when traveling overseas.  Then I upgraded the camera to a nicer point-and-shoot, and then finally started carrying a DSLR on every trip.  Perhaps the progression of photo quality is evident in the pictures presented here.