Mudgee Region Historic Drive
With a few hours of off-time in the Mudgee area, one possible activity is to take a drive. Leaving Mudgee and making a counter-clockwise circle through Lue, side-trip to Kandos and Rylestone, north to Bylong, around to Wollar, and back to Mudgee takes approximately five hours.
Add extra time for photography stops, and perhaps a bushwalk along the way, and the trip could easily fill an entire day.
I've visited Lue and Wollar on multiple occasions, but have made the complete loop through Kandos and Bylong only once. Unfortunately that day was very hot, hazy, and muggy, and it was poor timing (wrong time of the day) for photos or sightseeing in Kandos and Rylestone. Still, I managed to capture some of the historic architecture of rural New South Wales.
When walking around the tall grass at the abandoned Lue railroad station, keep in mind that Australia has a hundred different species of venomous snakes. One in particular, the red-bellied blacksnake, like to sun himself on the railroad tracks next to the depot platform.

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